/** * Theme Header Section for our theme. * * Displays all of the section and everything up till
* * @package ThemeGrill * @subpackage ColorMag * @since ColorMag 1.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } ?> Home - LDII Sumedang


Adakan Penyuluhan Hukum, LDII dan Kejari Cimahi Komitmen Bentuk Santri Taat Hukum

Cimahi – DPD LDII Kota Cimahi dengan Kejaksaan Negeri Kota Cimahi berkomitmen membentuk santri taat hukum dengan mengadakan kegiatan “Jaksa

Pengurus PC dan PAC LDII Se-Kota Depok Dikukuhkan, Ini Harapan DPW dan Ketua DPD LDII Depok

Cilodong, Depok (23/01). DPD LDII Kota Depok menggelar Pengukuhan dan Pelantikan Pengurus Pimpinan Cabang dan Pimpinan Anak Cabang LDII se-Kota

Pemerintah Kota Bandung Ajak LDII Cegah Radikalisme

Bandung (08/01) – LDII sebagai Lembaga Dakwah menerapkan metode Green Dakwah yakni dakwah berpedoman Quran dan Hadits, membawa kesalehan sosial,

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/** * Theme Footer Section for our theme. * * Displays all of the footer section and closing of the #main div. * * @package ThemeGrill * @subpackage ColorMag * @since ColorMag 1.0 */ // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_after_inner_content action. * * @hooked colormag_main_section_inner_end - 10 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_after_inner_content' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_after_content action. * * @hooked colormag_main_section_end - 10 * @hooked colormag_advertisement_above_footer_sidebar - 15 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_after_content' ); /** * Hook: colormag_before_footer. */ do_action( 'colormag_before_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_before_footer action. * * @hooked colormag_footer_start - 10 * @hooked colormag_footer_sidebar - 15 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_before_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_before_inner_footer action. * * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_inner_wrapper_start - 10 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_before_inner_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_footer action. * * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_area_start - 10 * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_right_section - 15 * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_left_section - 20 * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_area_end - 25 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_after_inner_footer action. * * @hooked colormag_footer_socket_inner_wrapper_end - 10 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_after_inner_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_after_footer action. * * @hooked colormag_footer_end - 10 * @hooked colormag_scroll_top_button - 15 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_after_footer' ); /** * Functions hooked into colormag_action_after action. * * @hooked colormag_page_end - 10 */ do_action( 'colormag_action_after' ); wp_footer(); ?>